Photos – a leisurely rambling…


11 responses to “Photos – a leisurely rambling…

  1. lovelycollegegirl

    Beautiful! Hey, I nominated you for an award, check it out 🙂

    • Thanks! These were taken around the 1st of October 2011 at a place referred to as “Pingree Park”, in Colorado, about 30 miles west of Fort Collins, right of of Colo Hwy 14. There’s a short window when the Aspens turn gold, and some years it is very short. 2012 was pretty good too, but if you can get there at the right time, you can go wrong… great subject matter. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Matrone Bell

    These are beautiful. Autumn is by far my favorite of all the seasons, and when its fall in the mountains, its perfect. 🙂

    • I agree. Here on the Eastern slope of Colorado, the first few days of October usually prove to be the best, as long as nature does her normal rhythm thing. It’s incredible when it’s dry, blue, sunny, and yet musty. The golden light than enrobes you is absolutely awe inspiring. I love to find myself in a grove of aspens… Thanks for checking it out. Love your comments!

  3. aprille

    those fluffy birch-type trees, caught in the bend that is leading to the solid background, makes for and abiding image. Wish I could walk there.

  4. You’re a lucky man to see that each Fall – no wonder you’re a Wordsworth fan x

  5. You captured the light and warmth where peace lives at least in my memories.

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